We can provide everything you need to pass your SAP assessment (part L of Building Regulations) including thermal bridging calculations. 

Additionally we can cover your Overheating calculations (part O) which while not part of the SAP Assessment needs to be addressed in order to satisfy building control.


SAP Assessment for new builds and extensions (part L)

It is the only official, government approved system for assessing the energy rating for a new build home (part L1A) (new builds) or new extension or conversion (part L1B). A SAP Rating is a way of comparing energy performance of different homes and results in a figure between 1 and 100.). The higher the SAP rating, the lower the fuel costs and the lower the associated emissions of carbon dioxide.

In order to meet current building regulations, home builders will need to gain a ‘pass’ on their SAP Calculations. Without it, building control will not sign off the development and the property cannot be let or marketed for sale.

A ‘pass’ is gained by meeting several compliance targets around:

  • How well the fabric of the dwelling contains heat

  • Solar gain

  • Quality of construction and commissioning of systems

  • Predicted CO2 emissions from the dwelling

Smart SAP’s consultative and tailored approach ensures that any issues can be identified and addressed early on before you start building, ensuring piece of mind as your build progresses.

SAP quantifies a dwelling’s performance in terms of

Energy use per unit floor area

A fuel-cost-based energy efficiency rating (the SAP Rating)

Emissions of CO2 (the Environmental Impact Rating)

Estimate of appliance energy use

The potential for overheating in summer

The resultant cooling load


Thermal Bridging Calculations

Continuous support of the brick lintel above the window results in a significant thermal bridge

Intermittent blades cantilevered out to support the brick lintel reduces heat flow through the assembly

Thermal bridging calculations are performed as part of the SAP Assessment and are used to determine heat loss at the junctions of a building. These are the weak points in the buildings fabric where up to 30% of heat escapes. They include the areas around the windows and junctions between the walls, floors and ceilings.

Because of the relatively high percentage of heat loss from these areas calculating them as accurately as possible is a key part of the SAP assessment. SMART SAP will analyse whether the standard or advanced method is the best for your project and consult with you to apply the appropriate approach that saves you money while ensuring a pass.


Overheating Calculations (part O)

As the planet continues to warm up, and modern buildings are constructed with enlarged glazing and high-performance fabric, overheating is becoming an important issue in the UK homes and buildings. Overheating calculations introduced in July 2022 at the same time as SAP 10 sit alongside the SAP Assessment and may be required by building control to ensure that your dwelling maintains a relatively constant temperature all year round.

As with Thermal Bridging a simplified or dynamic approach can be used to the calculations. We will discuss what works best for you and proceed on that basis.


Energy Performance Certification (EPC)

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are needed whenever a property is:




You must order an EPC for potential buyers and tenants before you market your property to sell or rent.

An EPC contains information about a property’s energy use and typical energy costs, and also makes recommendations about how to reduce energy use and save money

An EPC gives a property an energy efficiency rating from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient) and is valid for 10 years. IF you need an EPC quickly give us a call. We are responsive and guarantee a quick turn around